S.G. Productions
Why Should I Copyright my Music?
What it boils down to is that even though as soon as you create something you are considered to be the owner of its copyright, you have to register it to prove it. So all these lawsuits you hear about where Timbaland or Swizz Beats allegedly stole somebody's track, the plaintiffs have no case unless they are the registered copyright holder. A registered copyright gives you ownership and exclusivity. If someone does something with your music within the duration of your copyright you have the right to run their pockets!
How do I Copyright my music?
There's a bunch of ways to do it but the best way is to just get yourself a copy of Form SR from the Copyright Office in the Library of Congress. You send it with two copies of the cd and $45. It takes about six months to a year to process it. You can include as many songs as you like on any one copyright. Get started today - download Form SR.
What about the "poor man's copyright?"
Stop being cheap! A poor man's copyright can be so easily faked that odds are it won't hold up in court. The poor's man copyright is when you mail your cd to yourself and leave it sealed in the packaging. The postmark acts as your date of copyright. Again it is too easy to fake and you're better off spending the $45.
More info?
Copyright Form SR: http://www.copyright.gov/register/sound.html
The U.S. Copyright Office: http://www.copyright.gov
World Intellection Property Org: http://www.wipo.int/members/en/
Copyright and Fair Use: http://fairuse.stanford.edu
Copyright Your Digital Creation: http://www.myfreecopyright.com
Copyright Your Web Site: http://www.gocopyright.com